29 September, 2008

PG Admissions at CMC, Vellore

Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu-632002, has invited applications for admission to the various Post Graduate Medical programmes there for which admissions are offered in March 2009. The courses offered include MD/ MS/ Diploma and Residency in Medical Physics.
Candidates for all medical Post Graduate courses (MD /MS/ Diploma) conducted by the College will be ranked on the basis of a written test, practical tests and interview. The written test will be conducted at Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Trivandrum and Vellore on December 13, 2008.
The number of seats for the various courses, eligibility and other details are available in the Admission Bulletin available at http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/admissions/SumAdd/pdf/PGBul09.pdf.
Application forms can be accessed on-line at http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/admissions.
Application forms are also available by Post from the Office of the Registrar. Those desirous of making use of this option should first make a payment of Rs.300/-, using any of the methods described in pre-para. Subsequently, applicant should send the DD/Original Challan/Receipt to: Office of the Registrar, CMC, Thorapadi PO, Vellore 632002, stating the full Postal address with Pin-code and also the telephone number and email address if available.
Last date to submit the application is on 5th November 2008.

MBA in Army Institutes of Management

Army Institute of Management, Kolkata (AIMK) and Army Institute of Management & Technology (AIMT), Greater Noida have invited applications for admission to their two-year regular MBA Programmes for 2009-11 session. 80% seats out of 120 is reserved for Army Wards and 20% for general candidates. Selection to the course at both Institutes will be based on score of CAT conducted by the IIMs. Short listed candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Interview at AIMK/AIMT for final selection. Separate application has to be submitted to each Institute. application and Prospectus of AIMK can be obtained by post by sending a DD for Rs. 800/- for Army Wards and Rs.900/- for General Candidates drawn in favour of ‘Director AIM’ payable at Kolkata, and for AIMT DD for RS.800/- drawn in favour of AIMT payable at Noida can be send to AIMT. They can also be down loaded from the websites of the Institutes AIMK- www.aim.ac.in and AIMT- www.aimt.ac.in. The last date for submission of AIMK/AIMT applications is December 6, 2008.

JEE 2009 on April 12

The Joint Entrance Examination 2008 (JEE 2009) for admission to the Undergraduate Courses at the Indian Institutes of Technology [there are seven IITs in India now], Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, will be held on April 12, 2009 (Sunday)
The Examination will consist of two papers, both of objective type designed to test the comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates, with each paper having separate sections in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Paper 1 will be held from 9 a.m to 12 noon and Paper 2, from 2 pm to 5 pm. The syllabus will be made available at the websites of all IITs as well as in the Information Brochure of JEE 2009.
Facility for submission of application form, either on-line or off- line will be provided from November 19th, 2008. The facility for on-line submission of applications will be available till 24th December 2008.
Sale of applications to be submitted off-line will be available at designated branches of Banks and at IITs till 24th December 2008. Postal requests for application form will be accepted till December 16, 2008.
The last date for receipt of completed applications at IITs will be December 24, 2008.
The detailed Notification will be published on November 8, 2008.

Admission on Rural Management at IRMA

The Institute of Rural Management Anand, has invited applications for common entrance test conducted to select the candidates for the Postgraduate programme in Rural Management (PRM – 2009-11) and fellow programme in Rural Management (FPRM- 2009). Test will hold on 9th November 2008. The test centres will include Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bhopal, Delhi, Lucknow, Varanasai, Kolkata etc. Eligibility: Graduates in any discipline with 50% [45% for SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities – (PWD)]. Last date of receipt of application is 6th October 2008. FPM is a two year and FPRM is a 3 year (doctoral) residential programmes. Every FPRM participants are eligible to receives fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per month and contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- per year. Download the application form from the IRMA website www.irma.ac.in and send the duly filled in application along with DD for Rs. 850/- (Rs. 600/- for SC/S T & PWD) drawn in favour of Institute of Rural Management payable at Anand to the Admissions co-ordinator, IRMA, Anand – 388001, Gujarat.

23 September, 2008

DM/M.Ch / Ph.D and other Courses at SCTIMST

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, has notified the admissions for Academic session commencing in January 2009.
The Courses include DM / M.Ch (Three years/five years), Post-Doctoral Certificate Courses (One year), Ph.D, Master of Public Health (Two years) and Post-DM / MCh Fellowship, Speciality Nursing Courses (Two years) and Diploma Courses (Two years)
The Specialities, minimum educational qualification, selection procedure etc., for the various courses can be had from the Admission Notice at http://www.sctimst.ac.in/academic/AdmissionNotice2009.pdf. Admission will be based on the previous academic record of the candidates and their performance in the selection tests to be held in the Institute during November 2008.
Those selected, excepting M.P.H scholars, will be paid stipend as fixed by the Institute. In the case of MPH scholars, a tuition fee will be charged for the entire course. All scholars will be provided with accommodation subject to availability of rooms in the hostel.
Application form and Prospectus can be obtained till 1st October 2008, from ‘The Registrar, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala.- 695 011’, on a written request accompanied by a Bank Draft for Rs.600/- in case of Doctoral, M.P.H and Ph.D Programmes and a Bank Draft for Rs.250/ for other programmes, drawn in favour of SCTIMST, Trivandrum.
The request should contain the name and address of the candidate, course to which admission is sought and details of the Demand Draft.
Application can also be downloaded from http://www.sctimst.ac.in. Applications will be accepted only with Demand Drafts for the respective amounts.
Completed Application forms should reach ‘The Registrar, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala.- 695 011’ by 6th October 2008 Website: http://www.sctimst.ac.in

PG Admissions at CMC, Vellore

Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu-632002, has invited applications for admission to the various Post Graduate Medical programmes conducted in the academic year March 2009. The courses offered include MD/ MS/ Diploma and Residency in Medical Physics.
The number of seats for the various courses, eligibility and other details are available in the Admission Bulletin available at http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/admissions/SumAdd/pdf/PGBul09.pdf.
Application forms can be accessed on-line at http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/admissions.
Applications are also available at the following post offices in Vellore: Bagayam , Vellore HO and CMC Town Campus. In case of Paper Applications, the filled up Application along with a registration fee of Rs.500/- per course to be paid by any one of the methods listed above should reach Office of the Registrar, CMC, Vellore 632002 latest by 5th November 2008.
Candidates for all medical Post Graduate courses (MD /MS/ Diploma) conducted by the College will be ranked on the basis of a written test, practical tests and interview. The written test will be conducted at Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Trivandrum and Vellore on December 13, 2008.
For more details about the examination, candidates should refer the Bulletin. Special tests and interview for Residency in Medical Physics will be held on 20.1.2009.
For details, visit http://home.cmcvellore.ac.in/admissions/admin.htm

GATE 2009

Application invited for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2009 (GATE 2009), the all-India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven IITs on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. It is to select the candidates for the Postgraduate courses with scholarship/assistantship at govt. engineering colleges / institutes in the country. The GATE test will be held from 9.30 hours to 12.30 hours on February 8th, Sunday at the 147 cities
The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear in GATE:
(i) Bachelor's degree holders in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/Pharmacy (4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
(ii) Master's degree holders in any branch of Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes.
(iii) Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master's degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree programme and Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
(iv) Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by IE (I), AME by ICE (I)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.

The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration, with 60 multiple choice objective questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks
There will be negative marking for wrong answers, as given in question paper pattern. The question paper will be only in English.
A candidate can choose any one of the papers listed below.
Aerospace Engineering – Code AE, Agricultural Engineering-AG, Architecture and Planning –AR, Civil Engineering-CE, Chemical Engineering-CH, Computer Science and Information Technology-CS, Chemistry-CY, Electronics and Communication Engineering-EC, Electrical Engineering-EE, Geology and Geophysics-GG#, Instrumentation Engineering-IN, Mathematics-MA, Mechanical Engineering-ME, Mining Engineering-MN, Metallurgical Engineering-MT, Physics-PH, Production and Industrial Engineering-PI, Pharmaceutical Sciences-PY, Textile Engineering and Fibre Science-TF, Engineering Sciences-XE*, Life Sciences-XL*
#GG (Geology & Geophysics) paper will consist of two parts. Part A will be common to both Geology and Geophysics candidates. Part B will have two sections of which Section 1 (Geology) is to be attempted only by Geology candidates and Section 2 (Geophysics) only by Geophysics candidates.
Candidates can submit Application Form OFFLINE or ONLINE from 22.9.2008 (Monday).
Completed application with enclosures in all cases should reach the appropriate addressee latest by Wednesday, October 29, 2008, by Registered or Speed post.
For more details log into at http://gate.iitr.ernet.in/

Distance courses- Calicut University

The School of Distance Education, University of Calicut has invited applications for the various Professional, Post Graduate and Under Graduate Courses (Regular stream) under distance mode for the academic year 2008-09.

Courses: MSc Mathematics, M.Com Finance/Marketing, MA in Economics, Sociology, History, Political Science, Philosophy, English, Malayalam, Hindi, Arabic, Sanskrit, Tamil, BA courses in History, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, English, Malayalam, Arabic, Philosophy, Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, B.Com Cooperation / Finance, B.Sc Mathematics, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), B.L.ISc, B.Psych and Bachelor of Multimedia Communication.

Candidates should directly apply for BMMC courses at the above centres. Fee should be remitted in favour of Finance Officer, University of Calicut). A concession of 5% marks will be given to OBC/OEC applicants on production of community certificate from competent authorities. SC/ST candidates need only a pass. They should produce the original community certificate along with the application. Teachers with not less than 3 years experience in an aided school or college, Government and University employees are exempted from the requirements of minimum marks. Indian citizens residing anywhere in India or abroad are eligible for admission.

Application form and Prospectus can be purchased in person on Cash Payment of Rs.100/- from Calicut University Central Co-operative Store, C.U Campus, and its branches at Thrissur, Calicut City, St.Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Malappuram, Palakkad, Kalpetta, Vadakara and Kannur.
For obtaining the materials by Post, candidate should send a request with self-addressed envelope of size 26 cm x 18 cm with stamps worth Rs.30/- affixed, and a challan receipt of Rs.100/- remitted in the Govt. Treasury (Under HOA 8443-00-106 PD Account of Calicut University for Treasuries in Malappuram District and HOA 8658-00-102-96(02) CUS for Treasuries in other Districts) /selected branches of SBT. Applicants residing outside the state can remit the amount by way of DD drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Calicut University, payable at SBT, Calicut University branch.
Application forms will be issued from study centres of the University on receipt of challan receipt, on Saturdays and Sundays. The study centres are at (i) Sree Narayana College, Kannur (ii) WMO College, Muttil, Wayanad (iii) Govt Arts & Science College, Kozhikode (iv) St Joseph’s College, Devagiri (v) Govt College, Malappuram (vi) MES KVM College, Valanchery (vii) MES Kalladi College, Mannarkad (viii) Govt College, Chittur (ix) Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur (x) St Thomas College, Thrisuur. Spot Admission is provided at different centres. For details, see the Notification/website.
Counselling Centres exist outside Kerala and in Gulf, the details of which can be had from the website of the University/Notification.
The last date for receipt of filled applications is 3rd October 2008. Applications will be accepted till 15th October 2008 with a fine of Rs.100/- and till 22nd October 2008 with a super fine of Rs.750/- Website: www.universityofcalicut.info

All India Medical PG Entrance 09

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi has announced the All India Post Graduate Entrance Examination, 2009 (AIPGEE-2009). It is conducted to admit students for 50% reserved seats in MD/MS/Diploma and MDS courses in central and state Medical & Dental Colleges in the country (Except the Governments of Andhra Pradesh and J&K). The Examination will be held on Sunday, 11 January, 2009. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. Candidate must possess MBBS/BDS Degree from a recognized Medical / Dental College or a foreign Degree included in the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and full registration either from the Medical/Dental Council of India or State Medical/Dental Council after completing the Compulsory rotating internship.
Prospectus-cum-application form costing Rs.1000/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs.800/- in case of SC/ST candidates can be obtained from selected braches of State bank of India against cash payment up to 3.10.2008. The list of branches of SBI where these materials will be available is given in the Notification at http://www.aiims.edu/aiims/examsection/all-indiaPG2009_advt.htm. Application material will be available at SBI Ansari Nagar (AIIMS Branch), New Delhi till 10.10.2008.
Completed Applications must reach the Examination Section, AIIMS by 5 pm on 10.10.2008.
For details, visit http://www.aiims.ac.in/ or http://www.aiims.edu/

All India Medical PG Entrance 09

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi has announced the All India Post Graduate Entrance Examination, 2009 (AIPGEE-2009). It is conducted to admit students for 50% reserved seats in MD/MS/Diploma and MDS courses in central and state Medical & Dental Colleges in the country (Except the Governments of Andhra Pradesh and J&K). The Examination will be held on Sunday, 11 January, 2009. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. Candidate must possess MBBS/BDS Degree from a recognized Medical / Dental College or a foreign Degree included in the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and full registration either from the Medical/Dental Council of India or State Medical/Dental Council after completing the Compulsory rotating internship.
Prospectus-cum-application form costing Rs.1000/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs.800/- in case of SC/ST candidates can be obtained from selected braches of State bank of India against cash payment up to 3.10.2008. The list of branches of SBI where these materials will be available is given in the Notification at http://www.aiims.edu/aiims/examsection/all-indiaPG2009_advt.htm. Application material will be available at SBI Ansari Nagar (AIIMS Branch), New Delhi till 10.10.2008.
Completed Applications must reach the Examination Section, AIIMS by 5 pm on 10.10.2008.
For details, visit http://www.aiims.ac.in/ or http://www.aiims.edu/

09 September, 2008

Admission on Rural Management at IRMA

The Institute of Rural Management Anand, has invited applications for common entrance test to be held on 9th November 2008 across the country for admission to the Postgraduate programme in Rural Management (PRM – 2009-11) and fellow programme in Rural Management (FPRM- 2009).

The test centres are Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Coimbatore, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bhopal, Delhi, Lucknow, Varanasai, Kolkata etc.

Eligibility : Graduates in any discipline with 50% [45% for SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities –(PWD)] aggregate marks are eligible to apply for PRM and postgraduates in any discipline or 4 year / 5 year professional graduates are eligible to apply for FPRM. Final year students of the qualifying degree and able to fulfilling the eligibility by 8th June 2009 may also apply. Only Indian nationals are eligible for admission. PRM is a two year and FPRM is a 3 year (doctoral) residential programmes. Every FPRM participants are eligible to receive fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per month and contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- per year. Those who successfully complete these programmes could enjoy campus placement assistance providing by the IRMA.
How to Apply Download the application form from the IRMA website www.irma.ac.in and send the duly filled in application along with DD for Rs. 850/- (Rs. 600/- for SC/S T & PWD) drawn in favour of Institute of Rural Management payable at Anand to the Admissions co-ordinator, IRMA, Anand – 388001, Gujarat.
Last date of receipt of application is 6th October 2008.
For more details visit http://www.irma.ac.in

Self Financing B.Ed at MG University

School of Pedagogical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University has invited applications for admission to various one-year B.Ed courses under Self Financing Stream in the following nine B.Ed colleges 2008-2009.

1. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education,Govt.High SchoolCampus, Petta, Kanjirappally, Kottayam Dist., Tel.No.0482-8202952: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Arabic.

2. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Govt.High School Campus, Kudamaloor,Kottayam Dist., Tel.No.0481-2391264: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science .

3. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Amaravathy.P.O, Kumily – 685 509, Tel.No.04869-222839: Malayalam, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Commerce.

4. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Govt.Model High School Campus, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam Dist., Tel.No.0485-2833850: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Commerce, Arabic, Information Technology.

5. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Panchayat U P School Campus, Nedumkandam, Idukki Dist., Tel.No.04868-232616: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Commerce.

6. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Vocational Higher Secondary School Campus, Elanthoor,Pathanamthitta., Tel.No.0468-2362392: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Physical Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Commerce, Arabic.

7. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Govt. Boys High School Campus, Vaikom, Kottayam Dist., Tel.No.04829-231917: Malayalam, Natural Science, Social Science, Commerce.

8. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Govt.High School Campus, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Tel.No.0486-2227204: Malayalam, Physical Science, Mathematics, Social Science.

9. Mahatma Gandhi University College of Teacher Education, Govt.Higher Secondary School, Thekkekkara, Erattupetta,KottayamDist., Tel.No.0482-2275781: Malayalam, Physical Science, Social Science, Commerce, Arabic.

Eligibility: BA / B.Sc degree exams under the 10+2+3 pattern with one main subject and two subsidiary subjects from M G University or any other university recognized by M G University as equivalent thereto for admission. The minimum marks requirement for admission to B.Ed course is 45% in Bachelor’s degree (Science/Arts subjects) in aggregate (ie, for Part I+II+III) provided he/she secures 45% marks for Part III subjects.

Candidates seeking admission on the basis of the language under Part I & II need 50% marks for the part concerned and 50% for Post Graduate course in the same language. Candidates applying for the course under the language stream with a bachelor’s degree in the subject concerned will be ranked first in that particular stream. Candidates applying for the course under any language stream based on Part I / Part II at under graduate level and having PG Degree in the same subject as in Part I / Part II will be ranked only after that.

For B.Ed in Commerce the eligibility is 45% marks for M.Com degree.
Concession: SC/ST applicants need only a pass. SEBC candidates will get a concession of 3% in aggregate marks .OEC candidates will be given 5% concession in aggregate marks. Candidates who are moderately Physically Handicapped and those who are blind are also eligible to apply. Selection will be based on merit and shall be guided by the rules of the University. Reservation will be as per rules.
Details regarding the eligibility and Weightage of Marks are given in the Prospectus available at http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/bedprospectus25_8_08.pdf.
Application forms and prospectus can be downloaded from http://www.mguniversity.edu or http://www.mgu.ernet.in
The registration fee for the course is Rs.300/- (for SC/ST candidates-Rs. 150/-), which has to be paid along with the filled in application form by way of an account payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Mahatma Gandhi University, payable at SBT, Mahatma Gandhi University Campus Branch.
Candidates can apply for more than one optional in a college. Candidates can apply to more than one college. Separate forms have to be submitted to the Principal of each college along with the following documents.
1. Self attested copies of the mark lists of the qualifying and other examinations.
2. Self attested copies of the Pass Certificate/Certificates/Provisional or Degree Certificate of the qualifying examinations; relevant SSLC pages to prove age.
3. Self attested copies of the certificate to prove claims based on reservation (caste), children of Ex-Service personnel, employees of the University etc.
4. Self addressed and stamped envelope (Rs. 6/-) (size 24 cmx12 cm)
5. Registration fee by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, M G University, payable at SBT, M G University campus branch.
6. Other details if any.
Last date for receipt of the filled in application forms in the University College of Teacher Education concerned will be 15th September 2008.Applicant may refer to the prospectus for more details.

Admission on Paramedical Courses in Kerala

The Directorate of Medical Education has invited applications for admission to the following various paramedical courses conducted in the Government Medical / Dental Colleges, and recognized private institutes.Institute, courses and seats are as follows:
• Govt. Medical / Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram- Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT), 40 seats; Diploma in Radiological Technology (DRT) 10; Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistance (DOA) 10; Dental Hygienist Certificate (DHC) 10; Dental Mechanic Certificate (DMC) 5.

• Govt. Medical / Dental College, Kozhikode- DMLT 30, DRT 30, DOA 20, DMC 10.

• Govt. Medical College, Kottayam- DMLT- 15, DRT- 15, DOTA- 15, Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology (DOTT) 10.

• Govt. Medical College, Thrissur- DMLT- 15, DRT- 15, DOA- 5.

• Govt. Medical College, Alappuzha DMLT – 15, DRT- 10, DOA- 5.

• Public Health Laboratory , Thiruvananthapuram – DMLT- 15

• Govt. Med. College, Thrissur (for SC/ST), DMLT- 20, DRT- 20, DOA- 20.

• PIPMS, Thiruvananthapuram (for SC/ST) DMLT- 20, DRT – 30, DOA- 20, DMC- 10.

Private Self Financing Institutes (Merit Seats only 50%)
• Academy of Medical Science, Pariyaram- DMLT- 15, DOTT- 8, Diploma in Cardio Vascular Technician (DCVT) – 8.

• AJ Hospital, Kazhakkootam DMLT- 15

• Al-Shifa Hospital, Perinthalmanna, DMLT- 15, DRT- 15

• Comtrust Eye Hospital, Kozhikode- DOA- 15

• Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical Mission, Karakonam, Trivandrum - DMLT- 15, DOTT- 8.

• Kaduvayil Thangal Charitable Trust, Chathanpara, Trivandrum – DMLT- 15.

• KIMS, Anayara, Thiruvananthapuram – DRT- 15, DOTT- 8.
• Lourdes Hospital, Ernakulam- DOTT- 8.

• Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulam – DOTT- 8

• MIMS (Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences) Kozhikode – DMLT- 15.

• Moulana Hospital, Perinthalmanna, DRT- 15, DOTT- 8.

• National Hospital, Kozhikode- DMLT- 15, DRT- 15, DOA- 15

•Sabarigiri Institute of Allied Medical Sciences, Anchal, Kollam Dt. DMLT- 15.

•SN Trust Medical Mission, Kollam, DMLT-15, DRT- 15.

• Vijaya Hospital , Kottarakara, Kollam – DMLT- 15, DRT- 15.

• West Fort Hospital, Thrissur- DMLT- 15, DRT- 15, DOTT- 8.

• Ahlia Foundation Eye Hospital, Palakkad- DOA- 10

Duration of all the above paramedical courses is 2 years including practical training.

Eligibility : plus two pass with physics, chemistry, biology as optional subjects with 50% marks taken together. Relaxation of 10% marks for SC/ST and 5% marks for SEBC whose annual family income is upto two and half lakhs. Only Indian citizen of Kerala origin are eligible for admission. Age 17-30. Selection is based on merit of marks obtained in the optional subjects in the qualifying examination.
How to apply Application forms can be obtained from the principals of the Government Medical / Dental Colleges on payment of Rs. 150 (Rs. 50 for SC/ST). For getting forms by post, send money order of Rs. 180/- (Rs. 80 for SC/ST) to the principal of the Government Medical College concerned. Full address of the applicant and purpose should be written in the money order form. Application form will be distributed from 1st September 2008 onwards. Application form for all the courses is common. One application form is enough to apply for any of the eight courses. The applicants belonging to SC/ST category shall apply in the forms separately provided for them. Detailed information can be obtained from the prospectus which is available along with the application form. Duly filled in application along with required documents to be submitted to the Director of Medical Education, Medical College. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram – 695011 on or before 22nd September 2008. The fees payable at the time of admission: Tuition fee- Rs. 3600/-, stationary fee- Rs. 250/-, registration fee Rs. 200/- (for first year only) caution deposit Rs. 750/- (at the time of admission only)

The Joint Management Entrance Test 2009 (JMET 2009)

The Joint Management Entrance Test 2009 (JMET 2009), the first step in the process of admission to the 2 year Full time Postgraduate Degree Programmes in Management offered by Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management of IIT Bombay, Department of Industrial & Management Engineering of IIT Kanpur, Vinod Gupta School of Management of IIT Kharagpur and Departments of Management Studies of IIT Delhi, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee for the academic year commencing July/August 2009 will be held from 10 am to 1 pm on Sunday, December 14, 2008.

The test will consist of 120 objective / multiple choice type questions in (i) Verbal Communication, aimed to test the candidate's comprehension of and interpretative abilities in English as a language of business (ii) Logical Reasoning, consisting of analytical reasoning, argument analysis, and analysis of explanation questions (iii) Quantitative Ability, aimed to test the candidate's understanding of Basic Mathematics and (iv) Data Interpretation, aimed at assessing the ability of the examinee to make valid interpretations from a given data set.

For details and Sample questions for each of the four sections, applicants may visit http://www.iitd.ernet.in/jmet/. Instructions to be followed by candidates at the examination hall are also given in this link.

For a wrong answer to a question, 25% of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted. A candidate should, not only, secure certain minimum marks in the test paper, but also, should necessarily obtain certain minimum marks in each of the four sections stated above, to qualify in JMET 2009.

JMET 2009 is only a qualifying examination. Candidates have to apply separately to the Institutes of their choice at the appropriate time.
The availability of courses at various IITs and the eligibility at each are as follows:
IIT Bombay: Shailesh J Mehta School of Management: Master of Management (M. Mgt.): Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (or equivalent) or first class Master's Degree in Science. Applicant should have secured minimum of 60% aggregate marks / minimum. CGPI of 6.5 out of 10 at the qualifying examination. There is a relaxation of 5% in marks or equivalent in CGPI for SC/ST candidates. Work experience is desirable but not mandatory.
IIT Delhi : Department of Management Studies
Master of Business Administration (MBA) with focus on Management Systems
Master of Business Administration (MBA) with focus on Telecommunication Systems Management
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in any branch of Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Pharmacy/ B.Sc. Agriculture Engineering (Minimum 4 years after 10+2)
(ii) Master's Degree in any branch of Physical /Chemical / Mathematical Sciences like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Application, Electronic Science, Environmental Science, Operations Research, Computational/Information Science, Agriculture or Master's Degree in Commerce/ Economics.
IIT Kanpur : Department of Industrial & Management Engineering
Master of Business Administration (MBA): A Bachelor’s Degree in any branch of engineering or technology (AICTE approved) from a University/Institute with at least 60% of marks or grade point average of 6.0 on a scale of 10.0 in aggregate based on average over whole programme.
Candidates with AMIE or similar distance learning qualification are not eligible for this programme. Candidates with Architecture degree can apply provided they have taken Mathematics at 10+2 level.
IIT Kharagpur : Vinod Gupta School of Management
Master of Business Administration (MBA): First class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or a first class Master’s Degree in Science (with Mathematics or Statistics at Bachelor’s level) or a first class Master’s Degree in Economics or Commerce (with Mathematics or Statistics at Bachelor’s level).
IIT Madras : Department of Management Studies
Master of Business Administration (MBA): B.E./ B.Tech. or equivalent with first class or equivalent from a recognized Institution or University OR a Master's Degree or equivalent in any discipline with first class or equivalent from a recognized Institution or University.
IIT Roorkee : Department of Management Studies
Master of Business Administration (MBA): Bachelor's Degree in any discipline of Engineering/Technology or its equivalent or a Master's Degree in any discipline from a recognized Institute/University with at least 60% marks for General & OBC category candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST category candidates in aggregate or CGPA of 6.00 on a 10 point scale for General & OBC category candidates and 5.50 on a 10 point scale for SC/ST category candidates.
The details about the programmes and eligibility in each of the Management Institutes are given in the JMET 2009 Brochure. It is also available at http://www.iitd.ernet.in/jmet/. Candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria listed against the Management School/Department of each Institute can appear for the JMET examination. There is no limit to the number of programmes a candidate can apply to, so long as the eligibility criteria are met.
Students in final year of qualifying degree course are also eligible to apply. Such candidates, if selected, will be admitted provisionally, and their continuation in the programme is subject to the completion of all requirements for the qualifying degree and submission of provisional degree certificate on or before the date stipulated by the admitting Institute.
The results of JMET 2009 provide a basis to each participating Institute to shortlist potential candidates for conducting its own selection process, like, Group Discussion/Interview etc. However, calling the candidates for such later process of selection is the prerogative of the admitting Institute. JMET 2009 qualified candidates may contact the management departments/schools of the concerned institutes for additional information, if any. Final selection would depend on their performance in each of the components of the selection process.
Rank Card will be issued only to the candidates who qualify in JMET 2009 Examination. In case, Qualified Candidates do not receive their Rank Card by 20th January 2009, they should contact the GATE Office, IIT Kanpur (0512 2597412 ).
JMET 2009 Application Form can be submitted using ‘Online’ (Internet based) mode only.
Application for JMET can be submitted ‘Online’ from 8 am on Monday, September 8, 2008 at http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate, following the instructions contained therein.
Before submission of online application, applicant will have to take a Demand Draft towards Application fee which is Rs. 750/- (Rs.350/- for SC/ST candidates). The DD should be taken in favour of 'Organising Chairman, JMET 2009' on any nationalized bank, payable at 'Kanpur'. The DD number, Bank drawn on and the date and amount of DD will have to be entered during online submission of Application Form.
Applicant should also keep ready one recent, good contrast coloured photograph. Applicant should ensure that a good quality printer is connected to the computer from where the candidate is submitting the online application form.
Data for Online Application should be submitted by clicking the link given at the end of the Page. Printout of the application form for onward transmission to GATE Office, IIT Kanpur cannot be obtained otherwise. After submission of all the details, applicant should preview the form. If not satisfied, back button may be used and the online application form revised/modified. The ‘submit’ button has to be clicked after the candidate is satisfied about the correctness of the entries.
After the particulars are submitted, a print version of the application form will be generated. The form will have the application number and the barcode for the application number. Applicant should note down the application number generated below the barcode. A print out of this has to be taken on a good quality A4 size paper by clicking the print button. On this printed application form, the applicant should paste his/her recent good quality non-attested photo of size 3.5 cm x 4 cm, with a good adhesive; in the space provided.
Applicant may keep an identical photograph in reserve for future need. Applicant should then sign in the space provided for specimen signature and the declaration at the bottom of the application form. The signature should be identical in both the places. Signature in capital letters or initials is not acceptable. Applicant should keep a photocopy of the application form and Demand Draft for future reference.
Candidates are required to enclose the following documents with the completed application.
(i) Demand Draft with name of the applicant and application number written on the back of the DD.
(ii) Date of birth certificate: A freshly attested copy of High School (Class X) Certificate to be enclosed as proof of age.
(iii) SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) Certificate (if applicable): Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category must support their claim by submitting a freshly attested copy of caste certificate issued by a competent authority. The authorities empowered to issue SC/ST certificate are specified at http://www.iitd.ernet.in/jmet/ and in the Brochure.(iv) Person with Disability (PD) Certificate (if applicable): Candidates with disability must support their claim by submitting a freshly attested copy of disability certificate issued by appropriate medical authority.
The completed and printed Online JMET 2009 Application Form and the enclosures mentioned above must be placed inside an envelope. The enclosures should not be stapled to the Application Form. The Application Form should be folded only once in the middle. Applicant should write “JMET 2009 Online Application Form” and the Application Number on the right hand top corner of the envelope.
The envelope should be sent to ‘The Chairman, GATE, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur – 208016’ by Speed Post only. It can also be handed over in person to the GATE Office, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
All applications, irrespective of the zone and choices of test cities, must reach ‘The Chairman, GATE, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur – 208016’ on or before October 17, 2008.
Applicants can check the website http://www.iitd.ernet.in/jmet/ after two weeks from the date of posting of the application to know whether the application form has been received and processed.
Visit http://www.iitd.ernet.in/jmet/ for more details.

MBA Distance Education at Pondicherry University

The Directorate of Distance Education under Pondicherry University, Puducherry has invited applications for admission to the two year, 4 semesters MBA programme on distance education mode. Specializations available are marketing, finance, international business, human resource management etc. Meritorious graduates in any discipline are eligible for admission.Online application facilities are also provided through the website www.pondiuniv.edu.in.Last date for submitting filled in application is 30th October 2008. For more details visit www.pondiuni.edu.in

Regional Maths Olympiad on Nov 9

The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), a unit of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India has been organizing Mathematical Olympiads in our country, first at the regional level and then at the national and international levels, since 1988.

OBJECTIVES: To find out the talented students who have the capacity for original and critical thinking and to encourage them to choose a career in Mathematics and also to select an Indian team for the International Mathematical Olympiad.

ELIGIBILITY: Mainly, students of standard XI/XII and a few exceptionally talented students of standard X.

SYLLABUS: Roughly of the plus two level. Thrust areas will be Geometry, Number Theory, Algebra and Combinatory. The questions will be quite challenging. There is no prescribed syllabus.

RMO-2008 will be held on Sunday, 9th November, between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. at Trivandrum, Quilon, Kottayam, Alleppey, Adoor, Ernakulam, Irinjalakkuda, Trichur, Palghat, Calicut, Cannanore and Kasaragod.

About 20 students (a maximum of 6 from class XII) will be selected for INMO, to be held in February 2009 at Cochin University Campus.

About 30 toppers of INMO-INMO awardees will be invited for a training camp to select an Indian team for IMO-2009 to be held in Germany. IMO 2008 was held in Spain where India was placed 31st, securing 5 Bronze medals.

Five toppers of RMO will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2000/- each sponsored by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Enviornment ( KSCSTE). Five toppers of RMO will be awarded “Professor C.S. Venkataraman Memorial Prizes” and many other attractive gifts. All students selected for INMO will be given merit certificates. INMO awardees are eligible for NBHM scholarships for higher studies.

HOW TO APPLY: There is no prescribed application form. Principals of recognised schools shall forward the list of participants indicating their names, medium of Instructions, class, residential address, phone numbers, e-mails and the centre along with a registration fee of Rs. 30/- each by Cash / M.O. or D.D. (drawn in favour of Regional Co-ordinator, INMO) payable at SBT CUSAT Campus branch only. Applications not endorsed by the authorities will not be considered.
Last Date: 10th October 2008
This programme is funded by the NBHM, CUSAT and KSCSTE. For old Q-papers and an information brochure, write along with Rs. 25/- stamped, self addressed envelope of size at least 10 x 8 to
Dr. A. VIJAYAKUMAR, Regional Co-ordinator, INMO, Department of Mathematics Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin - 682 022Phone: 2577518 (O) 2575288 (R)
e-mail: vambat@gmail.com; ambatvijay@rediffmail.com
Olympiad Website: www.isid.ac.in/~rbb/olympiads.html ; maths.cusat.ac.in/olympiad

MSc & Intergraded PhD at TIFR

The TATA Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai – 400005 has invited applications for admission to the following programmes- PhD in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer & Systems Sciences and Science Education, Integrated PhD in Mathematics and Biology, MSc in Biology.
Selection is on the basis of national level written (entrance) Test to be held on 7th December 2008. Admission details including eligibility criteria can be obtained from the website http://univ.tifr.res.in or www.tifr.res.in/admissions.
Last date of receipt of application is 14th October 2008.