Institute of medical science under the famous Banaras Hindu University at Varanasi, UP has invited application for the all India entrance examination for selecting candidates to admit to MBBS for the next academic year. The test will be in two phases one is the screening and that will be held on May 9, 2007 at different centres in India and the second phase, the main test will be held on June 17, 2007 at Varanasi. Eligibility: +2 with aggregate 50% and English, physics, chemistry and biology as the subjects studied. Age limit 17-25. last date to submit the filled application form is on March 7th 2007. Centres of screening test: varanasi, delhi, Hyderabad, kolkatta. Application available from the branches of bank of baroda at vranasi, delhi [parliament street,shakthi nagar], lucknow [charbagh], kolkata [college street], Hyderabad [abids circle], Bhopal [TT Nagar], Pune [station road] and jaipur [DCM].
Application is also available by post. Send crossed DD of 1060, drawn in favor of the director, institute of medical science, BHU and payable at Varanasi, to the address- the director, institute of medical science, BHU, Varansi-221005. name and address of the candidate should written on the overleaf of the draft. Two slips of name and address should be enclosed. And write ‘request for application for PMT-2007 BHU’ on the envelop. For details log into the website www.bhu.ac.in
Jaleel MS - jaleelms@gmail.com
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